Canson Can Xl Mix Media Album 300 Gr A4 30 Yaprak Çok Amaçlı Albüm

Canson Can Xl Mix Media Album 300 Gr A4 30 Yaprak Çok Amaçlı Albüm (CN200807215)

Brand : Canson
Price : $17.89(Vat included)
Canson ® XL® Mix Media
Canson ® XL ® Mix Media paper is a medium grain medium, suitable for pure or mixed techniques based on watercolor, gouache, acrylic.
Everything is possible on this all-terrain album!
300 g / m²
Medium grain
Ideal for: watercolor, gouache and acrylic.
Spiral Album: 21 x 29.7 cm
Complies with ISO 9706, without acid or optical brighteners.
Antifungal treatment.


Artır Azalt
The spiral block is ideal for use with little water. It is a rigid, nomadic support: it is ideal for students who move. The spiral allows to completely turn the leaves on the back of the block. With micro-perforations, the leaves stand out easily.
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: EN