Leonardo Collection Desen Kitabı Flowers N: 23 Çicekler N: 23
Leonardo Collection Desen Kitabı Flowers N: 23 Çicekler N: 23
Leonardo Collection Desen Kitabı Flowers N: 23 Çicekler N: 23
Leonardo Collection Desen Kitabı Flowers N: 23 Çicekler N: 23
Leonardo Collection Desen Kitabı Flowers N: 23 Çicekler N: 23

Leonardo Collection Desen Kitabı Flowers N: 23 Çicekler N: 23 (68VE023)

Price : $3.29
Oil painting and watercolor painting are the media chosen for the flower pictures in this volume, while the black-and-white section presents a series of ballpoint pen sketches.


Artır Azalt
Book sizes 24,4x34,4 cm
36 pages (including cover) 
Cover glossy coated paper (glossy film lamination) g/m²265
Interior pages matt coated paper g/m²130
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: EN