Leonardo Collection Desen Kitabı The Fundamentals Of Drawing N: 3 Temel Çizim Kuralları N: 3

Leonardo Collection Desen Kitabı The Fundamentals Of Drawing N: 3 Temel Çizim Kuralları N: 3 (68VE003)

Price : $3.36


The logical follow-up to the second volume in the series, this manual looks at the human form in detail: the hands, the feet, the face and expressions, the nose, the eyes and the mouth.


Artır Azalt
Book sizes 24,4x34,4 cm
36 pages (including cover) 
Cover glossy coated paper (glossy film lamination) g/m²265
Interior pages matt coated paper g/m²130
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: EN